Who controls the past,
controls the future.

George Orwell, "1984"

Tourist attractions

monuments of Karelia and Finland

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360° Virtual Tours

  3-D tours
   of the Project sites

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 Tours of the sites
 with electronic guide

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Dear friends, colleagues, associates!

We hereby bring our apologies for temporary stop of information activities on the web-site. An updated version of the site is being prepared now and it will be introduced this March.

Our web-site’s address stays the same. See you soon!

With appreciation of your understanding and support,
hoping for our successful cooperation in the future,
"Mining Roads" Team.

Invitation to Tulmozerye

On a bright Sunday of August, 3, near the ruins of the old abandoned plant it was unusually crowded. Behind a new wooden stage, situated in the former bedding plant, an electric generator was hidden; speakers were placed on the stage. Trading was opened near the parking.
And near the pointer with the territory’s map young boys and girls crowded together – "Mining Road" Youth Camp volunteers ready to conduct an excursion around the plant’s territory.
The participants of Mining Road Project celebrated yet another achievement.

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The first tour

The first full-scale tour along Mining Road route, in which about fifty tourists participated, took place on August, 18 – 21. They visited the museums of Petrozavodsk, drove by bus to the most of the sites included into the route and finished their way in Koli National Park in Finland.
The participant of the pilot trip, Kirill Shekov, shared his impressions about what was seen and heard during these four days. As a counter to physical laws and chemical formulas he has suggested his formula of a successful journey.

Please find below the opinions of some participants of the first demonstrative tour along Mining Road route

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NEWS latest events

December 18, 2014


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December 17, 2014


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October 30, 2014

GPS-excursion “What are the Stones of the Karelian Capital Keeping Silent About?” can be downloaded to mobile phone.

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September 30, 2014

Mining Road Project implementation was discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of Karelian Research Center.

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September 19-21, 2014

The meeting of novice and professional guides took place in Petrozavodsk

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September 10, 2014

Photo-exhibition was opened in the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia

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August 18-21, 2014

The first full-scale tour along Mining Road route took place

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August 3, 2014

Tulmozerye Mining Park is opened at 3-kilometer distance from Kolatselga villag

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July 26 - August 3, 2014

young volunteers meet in order to render possible help in fulfilling works at the new tourist site.


July 29, 2014

Invitation to the opening ceremony of Tulmozerye Mining Park

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July 25, 2014

A press-conference announcing the opening of Tulmozerye Mining Park took place

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July 12 – 13, 2014

There was an unforgettable feast in Mohko village with folk festival, amateur theatre and iron melting.

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July 11, 2014

A new underground tunnel has been cut on the territory of Outokumpu Mining Museum

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June 5–17, 2014

Vladimir Kezling is keeping a diary of the Big Karelian Tour. There are already 3 reports.


June 2014

Egor Permaykov has a made an amazing design for a new park Tulmozero

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June 2014

360° Virtual Tour of Outocumpu Mining Museum. The tour consists of 20 panoramas.

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May 2014

GPS-tour of Ruskeala Mining Park

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April 30, 2014

A presentation of "Mining
Road" book took place in
the RK National Museum

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April, 2014

GPS-excursion along Petrozavodsk quay.

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April 10, 2014

Valeriy Potashov placed
an article about our project in the Internet-newspaper Vesti Karelii

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April 7-9, 2014

A workshop under
Mining Road Project
took place in Sortavala

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April 7-9, 2014

A workshop under Mining
Road Project will take
place in Sortavala (Russia).

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March 2014 г

360° Virtual Excursions
National Museum of the Republic of Karelia

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март 2014 г

360° Виртуальная экскурсия по горному парку Рускеала. Тур состоит из 26 панорам

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March 2014

Kalejdoskop Compnay
released a film about the
Mining Road Project work.

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December 3-4, 2013

Seminar under Karelia
ENPI CBC Program
took place
in Kuusamo (Finland)

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November 15, 2013

"Ruskeala: The Secrets
of the Depth" photo
exhibition opened in
"Outokumpu" Mine-Museum

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October 19, 2013

The first excursion
has been tried on one
sector of Mining Road
tourist route

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October 18-19, 2013

Our Project participants
made their reports at
the Scientific-and-regional
Conference in Sortavala

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September 27, 2013

Mining Road Project took
part in "Projects Fair"

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August 19-21, 2013

The Third Seminar under Mining Road Project took place
in Pazhala.

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August 2013

See the film about the schoolchildren’s life in the youth expedition

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August 5 – 11, 2013

Students, postgraduate students and lecturers of PetrSU in Mining Road Project

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August 4, 2013

The population of Kolatselga celebrated the Day of the village

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August 19 -21, 2013

The third seminar under the Project will take place in Pazhala, three kilometers from Kolatselga village.

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June 7, 2013

Ethno-Cultural Center was opened in Pryazha national district

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May 30, 2013

Mining Road Project participants took part in "Eco-effective Technologies in Tourism" seminar

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May 2013

We start publication of virtual excursions to the sites of the Project

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April 2013

Preparing for the next summer youth expedition "Mining Road"

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March 2013

The Partners discussed the project of "Ruskeala: the Secrets of the Depth" Photo Exhibition

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March 2013

Work on a book preliminary named "Mining Road" has been started

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Meetings, during which issues on the preparation of the book were discussed, took place

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Meeting of the partners

Working meeting of the partner from the Institute of Geology, KRC RAS, with Finish partners took place.

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Conference "Geological and mining-and-industry heritage of Karelia" took place in Sortavala.

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The first seminar

The first seminar under Mining Road Project took place in Outokumpu Mining Museum.

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The Project participants suggest organizing interstate cross-border geological-and-historical route between Russia (Karelia) and Finland. When working under the Project some new tourist sites will be initially arranged. This tourist route has got the name of Mining Road.

The Project finish – December 2014.

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  • Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
  • The city of Outokumpu / Outokumpu Mining Museum
  • Administration of Pryazha National Municipal Distract of the RK
  • The National Museum of the Republic of Karelia
  • Marketing Company i2
  • The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia
  • Ruskeala Center of Sport Tourism
  • Karelika Open Joint Stock Company
  • Association "Kolmas Karelia, Ltd."
  • The Museum of North Karelia Музей
  • Community of Raakkyla
  • Community of Liperi
  • Karelian Expert Tourist Survey, Ltd.
  • Lohja Museum
  • Stone Center, Stone Pole Oy
  • Lukomorye Tourist Company, Ltd.